Depuis les 10 dernières années, j'ai non seulement travaillé derrière la caméra mais au montage également. Que ce soit un court métrage, une émission de télévision, un spot publicitaire, un demo, etc. Les commentaires les plus fréquent sur mon travail furent mon efficacité et ma rapidité.

For the past 10 years, I've not only been working with cameras but also video editing for TV show, publicity spots, short films, demos and more. What my previous clients liked the most with my work was my efficency and flexibility.
Major Projects:
- Peak Média --- TV and Advertisement Producer
- Mordu de toi --- TV Show
- Groupe Fair Play --- TV and Advertisement Producer
- SNL Québec --- TV Show
- Productions CMJ --- TV Producer
- Celebrity Legacies --- TV Show
- Celebrity Damage Control --- TV Show
- Communication B-612 --- TV and Film Producer
- Paparadis --- Tv Show
- Bagarreur --- Feature Film
- Avanti Cine-Video --- TV and Film Producer
- Un Gars Le Soir --- TV show
- Vanessa TV --- TV Broadcaster
- IDI TV --- Web promo
- Altimage --- Corporate video
- Vincelli Communication --- Corporate video
- Camps Spatial Canada --- Corporate video
- Comme vous avez changé --- Demo
- Maison Hantée --- Short film
- Global Square Media --- Events
- Alètement Trash --- Short film
- Sever --- Short film
- Utopie en quatre temps --- Short film

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